
Dan Anthony

Dan Anthony


Position at church:

After 10 years of experience in Family Ministry (grades 7-12), crisis intervention and counseling youth Dan was commissioned by Cuyahoga Valley Church to launch Rock Point Church to serve the Westside of Cleveland.  Dan served on staff at Cuyahoga Valley Church for nearly a decade as their Lead Youth Pastor. 

We began Rock Point as part of a Global City Transformation Movement.  We've planted 2 churches since we began and seek to continue to plant more churches with an emphases on reaching the unchurched.


Life Groups

When the first local church was created inJerusalem after Christ’s ascension, all the believers lived as one people, worshiping God together in the temple, eating meals together
from house to house, and sharing their resources to meet each others’ needs.  

Just like this first church, we have been called to love, encourage, and grow together.  Rock Point Life Groups have been created to help us do this by providing a time every week for a small number of believers in the same general season of life (married couples with married
couples, singles with singles, etc.) to come together to enjoy each others’ company, pray for
one another, study the Bible together, and hold each other accountable to walk in holiness. Life Groups is a wonderful place to grow in faith and be used of God to encourage others! 

After spending approximately 6 months together building relationships, each Life Group will choose a mission it can do together that will impact God’s Kingdom and bless lives. Each group’s mission will serve either the church or the greater community around us.  For example, one Life Group may commit to help mentor and tutor inner city children while another Life Group may decide to volunteer at a retirement community.  No matter the specifics, we will be touching the world with Jesus’ love!  God has created us and called us to be blessings to each other and to the let’s do it!

Current Groups:

Westlake: Sunday Afternoons (mixed group)

Lakewood: Sunday Afternoons (mixed group)

WestlakeSunday Mornings 8:30 am Rock Point Building (mixed group)

Westlake: Tuesday Night Men's Life Group Rock Point

Fairview Park: Tuesday Morning Women's Group (Community Bible Study)

Life Groups are Rock Point's way of discipling individuals through smaller environments. 

Contact RP at the email below if interested.



who celebrate the joys of motherhood, gain wisdom for the struggles, and find camaraderie for the journey.

Please click here for our MOMtourage Homepage

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month (September-May)

9:30-11:30 am

FREE Childcare provided. Ages 0-5

Cost $40 (pro-rated after 1st month)

Rock Point

27070 Detroit Road (Entrance in Back around right side of building)


MOMtourage also hosts play dates at various locations and times throughout the month.  Contact us to find out when and where works for you.

Sunday Celebration

Sunday Celebration begins at 10:00 am.  If you have kids it's good to arrive 5-10 minutes early to check your children in at our Rockin' Kids check in.

Sunday Mornings are a CELEBRATION of all that God is doing in people's lives throughout the week.  We gather together to Celebrate through Worship (singing, teaching, sharing, reading and music).  Romans 12:1-2 tell us that every part of our lives, every activity that we participate in can be worship to God when we are a living sacrifice. 

Come ready to participate...ready to CELEBRATE what God has done in your life.

Sunday Mornings we provide:

  • Safe & Secure nursery for ages birth-2 years.
  • Interactive classes for preschool/toddlers.
  • Classes for children up through 6th grade.  (Check out our Rockin' Kids page for more information and tools for parents)
  • Participation in Celebration for the adults.

Rockin' kids

Birth through Preschool Strategy:

At Rock Point we focus on three main idea's with your children.

1. God Made Me.

2. God Loves Me.

3. Jesus wants to be my Friend Forever.

Our goal each Sunday Morning is that your toddler will get you out of bed wanting to come to Rock Point.  We do this through a strategy called, Make it Fun, Make it True, Make it Stick.  We also have tools to equip you as parents to interact with your toddler over the lesson throughout the week.

 Please email us at if you'd like a sample of the parent tools. 

Kindergarten through 6th grade Strategy


I need to make the right choice!


I can trust God no matter what!


I should treat others the way I want to be treated!

"And these words, which I command you this day, shall be upon thy heart;7 and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes.9 And thou shalt write them upon the door-posts of thy house, and upon thy gates."  Deuteronomy 6:6-9

Rock Point believes that Parent's are still the primary influences of their children.  Therefore it is our desire to do all we can to equip and engage parents with their children. 

At Rock Point we believe that we do not need to teach your child everything, only what is essential.  Therefore, we focus on virtue based teaching that incorporates the Bible into everyday life.

Our Strategy for Equipping Families:

1. Synchronize ministry efforts around a master plan to build faith and virtue in our Families.

2. Communicate our strategy clearly to parents. Parents are the primary disciplers of children.  Rock Point exists to create environments where parents are equipped to be disciplers.

3. Create tools to equip parents to be the primary disciplers.

4. Connect Sunday AM and children's ministries with the family.

5. Raise up Parents to transform families, neighborhoods and society.

6. Provide family friendly missions opportunities both locally and globally.

7. Provide opportunities for all generations to Love Jesus, Serve People, and Impact the World resulting in a global city reaching movement.


At Rock Point we don't believe we need to teach your child everything...only what's important. 

Therefore we focus on 3 main idea's and 12 virtues with your children that can be reinforced at home.